Thursday 8 October 2015

Cheese, tomato and stuffing bread spirals

These are one of my favourite savoury foods to bake.  They taste even better when using home-grown tomatoes from the garden!  Quite simple to make, the spirals consist of grated Double Gloucester cheese and a tomato and stuffing mixture spread onto the bread dough.  It is then rolled up like a swiss roll before being cut into slices.  The spirals are left to rise in covered tins and then baked in the oven.  The aroma is almost as delicious as the taste!

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Egg custard tart

Egg custard tart is a creamy, simple dessert originating in the 14th Century, with some slight adjustments over the centuries. For my custard tart I have used a shortcrust pastry base and only egg and milk to make the filling.  There is also a scattering of nutmeg over the top.  The tart has a mild flavour and can make a refreshing change from rich desserts.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Bake Off inspired French patisserie

Well, these are my version of French patisserie.  My attempt may need a bit more work before they can be accepted anywhere, but the piping was fairly neat at least!  I used a mixed spice and ginger swiss roll sponge for the cake. These were then sandwiched together and covered in buttercream, with glace icing piped around them. Then I used glace icing on top with a fondant flower.

I was inspired to make these after seeing something similar on the Bake Off. I think with the addition of some chopped nuts around the edge this would have helped their appearance.